Sunday, June 5, 2011

Student T.D. in his own words about Expedition Therapy

Not Change... More Awareness.

My Expedition Therapy experience is about many things and change is not what we do. My therapist and instructors do not try and change me as a person, it's more about me becoming aware. They allow you to see the reasoning behind why you do things, and why you feel the way you do. For me, I was able to become aware of my negative coping which looks like stuffing things down and suppress emotion till it built up and exploded. I became aware of this with their support and am using resources to change my behavior and resolve emotional conflicts as they arise. While this may hurt now, I may not want that pain, it is signifgently better to resolve

Thursday, April 14, 2011

My Expedition Life Path... by D.C.

My Expedition Life Path

"Learning to become patient is the hardest thing for me to deal with. I feel I'm becoming more aware of my emotions each day. This is the first time I feel like I'm not judging myself. My Expedition Instructors and fellow students are supporting me unconditionally on all levels.

I started building this balsa airplane over 3 weeks ago. I work on it in between expeditions and have spent over 8 hours just sanding it. This seems like an excellent way to practice being patient! I also like learning about airplane construction, flight, and wind patterns. I have another plane to build which is a step up from this one. Stay tuned for more flight information!

I'm getting back into shape by rock climbing, canyoneering, backpacking and hiking. I don't feel distracted and irritable. I'm building confidence by engaging in each day's challenges. Being at ET has allowed me to start to evolve and really create who I want to become. I'm also sober and that is amazing".

Monday, April 4, 2011

We Want You on Our Next Expedition! Climbing Tales & Fish Stories

This is an opportune time to meet super Chimney Climber Gabe. This is his first climbing expedition ever, and a fun fact about him is that his smile beams both day and night.

This lovely young lady from PA, you'll hear say "on belay", she's a fearless strong leader who could do without skeeters yet loves to rock climb during months April and May!

This is our dear friend B-rax. Attempted a 5.11a with no hesitation and nailed it.

Sir Peter gained real momentum then started hesitatin', he really just tried some escapin', he froze on the wall, then started to stall, till Ben said let go of your fixatin'. He took a quick rest and gave it his best then launched to the top with no reservation. Word. 

Smiling 24/7

 Our Climbing Guru Extraordinaire. He likes fruits and veggies.
Coffee cake,too.

Yes he is so very extraordinary as is his Espresso.

D.C. is all about meeting the challenge & he is a major support to his team. He likes to cook and he loves to climb, not necessarily at the same time. He likes his potatoes without onions!

D.C. is all over it! Internal Motivation.

N.G. is a natural on the wall. Yes, he is flying. Excellent.

Beth made a conscious decision to be present, and she
 let go of all attachment to fear. Beth never rock climbed before today.

Beth likes to climb in her BAT COAT!

Aaron is a fluid and graceful climber.

Aaron is also a gentleman and a scholar.

Rock climbing, canyoneering, cultural exploration, service, see the vast beauty of the southwest, learn wilderness first aid, have fun, play games, engage in group discussions, become self-aware. Get out of your head and into your life at Expedition Therapy. Meet the E.T. Challenge Today. 

Friday, April 1, 2011

My Expedition Toward Autonomy... by T.D.

The time that I have spent at Expedition Therapy has been the most enlightening experience of my life. While I am looking forward to my next step, I am really sad to leave E.T. I am sad to say goodbye to my Expedition Therapy Team as they have been there for me literally every day and night, caring for me more than I could have ever imagined. They have taught me so much and challenged my emotional growth in ways that I never thought possible.

I don't think that I could ever thank them enough. I wish to share one last bit of insight with my blog followers and it goes something like this. "It's okay to say how you feel, practice letting go of what's outside your control, always say what you mean and mean what you say, and lastly, you can ask for what you need. Oh, and remember not to put 4 sticks of butter in the fettuccine. Thanks for reading my blog. I'll be staying in touch, Expedition Therapy!"

Monday, March 21, 2011

Dear Expedition Therapy: Canyoneering with My Brother

Dear Expedition Therapy,

I just wanted to say thank you for inviting me to join my brother on a 4-day Canyoneering Expedition. I really enjoyed the entire experience and felt like I got a lot out of it, both experientially and technically. The Expedition Therapy Instructor Team and students are all exceptional people with strong character and goals. 

I now feel closer to my little brother than I have since we were small children. I can never thank you enough for teaching him coping skills, and how to deal more effectively with struggles he has with addiction and accountability. Also, thank you for helping him to reconnect with the strong, confident, and committed man that he had been before. 

Much love and thanks,

Thursday, March 17, 2011

Walking Along the Path of the Ancients...

Our cultural exploration week in the back country proved to be an amazing experience. We felt like we were walking in the footsteps of Native Americans and also virtually travelled back to prehistoric times. We were told that the interpretations are just recommended meanings and symbols are descriptors. Panels are still being studied by teams of archaeologists.

Rock art is often found near or next to ruins. The art is sometimes coated with a desert type varnish made of iron and manganese. A pioneer scientist from ASU, Ronald I. Dorn,  has created various technologies to determine the dates of these rock art sites.

We hiked nineteen miles in open meadows with twists and turns that eventually led to tall canyons walls covered with large anthropomorphic figures. Some resembled Shamans. There were amphitheaters and sheltered coves where the ancients created remote cliff dwellings for their families  to live as they travelled across the rugged, windswept desert.

Petroglyphs tell stories of those who have come before us. These are some of the largest,  most well preserved rock art panels containing pictographs and petroglyphs. Many panels contain mountain sheep, goats, figures, handprints, birds, and other abstract images appear.

Circles were revealed all along the way and represent the Sun. A circle that was filled in represents the Moon. Filled in dots are symbols of eyes. Shields and arrows are also depicted.

Often, directions were left, notes, and symbols left for those who have yet to travel these lands. A symbol of one figure atop another represents Generations of the same tribe. Figures standing next to one another are suggestive of individual who are in the same family. Fertility symbols also appear. Coyotes, dogs, and wolves are also shown in abundance.

To be continued.... 

Sunday, March 6, 2011

Rock Climbing Expedition: An Inconceivable Spark by Nick G.

This was my first climb ever and I felt like my personal power was beginning to emerge. The ultimate test of a persons inner power is being open to learning how to rock climb. Initially, I felt over confident. Climbing up toward the crux, my confidence was shattered and I was unable to get past the 10 foot crack in front of me. I dangled on the rope... exasperated!

Then, I felt like my personal power was beginning to emerge. It wasn't until an inconceivable spark was I able to make the impossible possible. Where my spark came from... I have no idea. I trust it and being in the moment gives me an opportunity to focus and be present. I think I got connected to my heart, heart being a combination of wills.

The Expedition Team is singing me the "Rocky" theme song!  

I think that life has many things in common with my climb. For example, when a person's heart is into something completely, then so much more can be accomplished. I am thinking of  the quote, "each of us can achieve the impossible in our lives. Dream big and make those dreams come true." This quote, by Bill Strickland, has a passionate message for us to engage  in being fully awake so we can lead extraordinary lives, and create a legacy.

"I must say that my climbing experience is so worth the exhaustion and extreme effort I've invested into this week's Expedition. I feel that by giving all of what I have inside of myself...  emotionally, mentally and physically, and focused this energy toward something I believe in is akin to experiencing what I am truly capable of in my life". 

T.D. here.... "I want to tell you that, I LOVE ROCK CLIMBING!" Now, I want to share my thoughts about trust. Trust is climbing and climbing is trust. I have to trust the rope, the person who is belaying me, trust the equipment, and myself. It's also about not getting attached to one route or another. The possibilities on the rock wall are limitless. The more I practice, the more adept I become. I feel open to the creative possibilities that exist for me. 

T.D. feels right at home on the wall. He went up and down faster than an elevator. Teaching what he's learned is a powerful strength of his. T.D. is always available to support whomever needs guidance. Before T.D. arrived at Expedition Therapy, he taught climbing at an indoor gym. He will tell you he has a new passion for climbing outside in the beauty of nature.

Talk about exuberance, D.C. had just joined Expedition Therapy and wasted no time getting involved, put on his climbing shoes, a sit harness and helmet then began to make his way up the wall. He had previous experience climbing and was open to learning more. T.D. provided support and the technical skills required for a very successful climb.

D... You can do it!

Our fearless leader A.W. is also a climber who is engaged in the Climbing Expedition. We are all in awe of his skill level as a guide, strategist, teacher, and role model. We all appreciate A.W.'s tireless efforts and thank him a million times a day for everything he does to support each one of us who have made a commitment to engage in Expedition Therapy's intensive, therapeutic immersion experience. 

"Meet the Challenge"

Go A!

Stay tuned for our next therapeutic Expedition....